The tiyul is a day long hike, during which the groups go through a number of outdoor activities, on topics such as nature, protecting the environment, and of course, the focus of the tiyul – their new Anivah (Neckerchief).
להורי וחניכי שבט גלים שלום,
אנחנו מתרגשים לקראת טיול עניבות 2018!
הטיול ללא עלות אך מחייב שני דברים:
- אישור הורים להשתתף בטיול
- חניכים חייבים להיות חברים בשבט גלים (לאחר תקופת נסיון)
שבט גלים
Shevet Galim parents and chanichim Shalom,
We are excited about Tiyul Anivot 2018!
The seminar is free of charge for all chanichim but does require two things:
- Parents permission to take part in the tiyul
- Chanichim must be a full-time member of Shevet Galim
Hazak Ve'ematz
Shevet Galim
October 7th, 2018 9:00 AM through 4:00 PM
Solana Ranch Park
13605 Pacific Highland Ranch Pkwy
San Diego, 92130
United States
13605 Pacific Highland Ranch Pkwy
San Diego, 92130
United States
Event Fee(s)
No Fee |